
Job Seeker News

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Newsletter Archives

Reality Check
What Gets You to Your New Job?

Dress to Impress
Dressing for Interview Success

Are You Ready . . .
For Your Job Winning Job Search?

Preparation for the Interview
Toughest Interview Questions

Resume Presentation
Tips to Look Good and Stand Out

Reinventing Your Workself
When Circumstances Change

Pep Yourself Up for the Interview
Getting Psyched for the Big Opportunity

Make the Most of the Interview
Interview Questions for You to Ask

Your Job Search Is Your New Job
Spending 8 Hours a Day on Your Job Search

Frequent Resume Missteps
What Does Your Resume Say About You?

Employment Testing & Assessments
How Do They Enhance the Interview Process?

Casual Interview Discussions & Informal Questions
Stay Conscious and Interview Focused

Handling Job Search Rejection
Another Networking Opportunity

Stay Positive During Your Job Search
“Best Practice” Tips for Remaining Optimistic

Salary Negotiations
Be Prepared, Positive and Open

Reference Checks
Detailed Assessments Are Now the Norm

Writing Thank You's
Make a Noteworthy Impression

Cover Letters
Make a Good First Impression

Working with Recruiters
What Recruiters Want You to Know

Common Resume Mistakes
Is Your Resume Promoting Your Talents?

Know the Company
Do Your Homework

Are You Ready . . .

For Your Job Winning Job Search?

1StopResume.com wants to be your job search partner. Our newsletters are written to prepare you for your job search and enhance your knowledge of the intricacies of a job search.

An essential part of any job search is knowing where you are in the job search process. We encourage you to take the time now to complete the following Job Search Readiness Questionnaire. The questionnaire can be answered while you read it online or you can print it out and circle your answers.

Okay, be honest, this is between you and you. Your answers and scores will give you a good idea of your job search readiness. Remember — your job search success is in your hands!

Job Search Readiness Questionnaire

On a scale of 1 to 5, circle where you are for each statement.
        1 meaning “I need more information or am not ready at all”
        5 meaning “I am ready and don’t need more information”

Skills and Abilities Analysis

1. I know the skills and personal traits employers are looking for in the job I want. 5   4   3   2   1
2. I have developed a list of the skills that I have to offer an employer, I can explain them clearly and they are on my resume. 5   4   3   2   1
3. I know the titles of the positions that fit my skills and knowledge and where the jobs are located. 5   4   3   2   1
4. I know which of my job skills are transferable to other types of jobs. 5   4   3   2   1
5. I have prepared a brief, high impact “60 second commercial” to sell myself to employers. 5   4   3   2   1
6. I am fully aware of the areas in which I need to improve my skills and am working on these areas of improvement. 5   4   3   2   1
Total - ________

If your score is less than 18, take a look at each statement and put together a plan to improve your score. If your score is over 24, you have a good grasp on your skills and how to explain them to an employer. The strategy for a job-winning job search includes knowing the skills required for your position. A visit to the Find Occupations link on O*NET OnLine can help you define the skills and knowledge required for most jobs. You can do this!


Job Search Strategies

1. I know, and am utilizing, the most effective and least effective job search methods. 5   4   3   2   1
2. If in job transition, I devote at least 5 hours a day to my job search. 5   4   3   2   1
3. I know what jobs in my field are high in demand. (If you are unsure, go to the Find Occupations link at O*NET OnLine where in demand jobs are indicated.) 5   4   3   2   1
4. I know how to use the internet to explore the labor market and search for job openings. 5   4   3   2   1
5. There are at least 5 good sites, including indeed.com, that are bookmarked for my job search and I check them at least 2 days a week. 5   4   3   2   1
6. I have been to the unemployment office in my state to see what services are available to me during the job search. 5   4   3   2   1
Total - ________

A score of 22 or higher shows you are on track.


Completing a Perfect Job Application

1. I know how to complete an application completely and accurately. 5   4   3   2   1
2. After completing an application, I even go back and look at the application one last time to make sure it is complete. 5   4   3   2   1
3. I carry with me to job interviews all my resume information including dates of employment, position, job duties, reason for leaving, name, address and phone of the employer and my references. 5   4   3   2   1
4. I know how to submit an electronic application. 5   4   3   2   1
5. When completing an electronic application, I write down or electronically save the website log in information including the log in name and password. 5   4   3   2   1
6. I know how to give complete and accurate reasons why I am no longer employed. 5   4   3   2   1
7. I can and do highlight the employer’s needs on my application. 5   4   3   2   1
Total - ________

A score of 25 shows you are good at completing applications. A score less than 21 needs improvement and you should seek help in this area.


Effective “Job Winning” Resumes & Cover Letters

1. I have a current, effective resume. It is printed on white paper and is ready to send to any employer. 5   4   3   2   1
2. I have had at least 3 people, whom I trust, read and evaluate my resume. There are no typos. 5   4   3   2   1
3. I know what employers look for in a resume and these qualities are included in my resume. 5   4   3   2   1
4. I know how to send a resume on the internet. 5   4   3   2   1
5. I have my resume posted on at least two job search websites. (We recommend at least Monster.com and CareerBuilder.com. There are others listed on 1StopResume.com’s Resources page.) 5   4   3   2   1
6. I know how to tailor my resume to a position. 5   4   3   2   1
7. I have an effective cover letter written and can (or will) tailor it for each position. 5   4   3   2   1
Total - ________

A score of 25 indicates your resume is on track. A score less than 21 needs improvement and you should seek professional help in this critical area of your job search.


Interviewing Techniques

1. I research companies thoroughly before I go to an interview. I can articulate what the company does, how long in business and my enthusiasm for the company. 5   4   3   2   1
2. I am prepared with at least 3 questions for the interviewer that have to do with the day-to-day responsibilities of the job. 5   4   3   2   1
3. I am prepared to give examples of how I have handled situations in the past. I have even practiced my answers out loud. 5   4   3   2   1
4. I know what employers expect to learn in an interview. 5   4   3   2   1
5. I can answer the toughest questions an employer may ask in the interview. 5   4   3   2   1
6. I know how to write a Thank You letter after the interview. I make sure a thank you letter is sent after every interview (or I will make sure that a Thank You letter is sent after every interview). 5   4   3   2   1
7. I know how to dress appropriately for an interview. 5   4   3   2   1
8. I will arrive at least 10 minutes prior to the start time of the interview. 5   4   3   2   1
Total - ________

A score of 35 shows your interviewing skills are good. A score less than 30 needs improvement. You may want to seek help in this area or talk to a human resources professional who knows what works and what does not work in an interview.


Job Search Readiness

1. My gut tells me that I am ready to get a great job! I am very enthusiastic about this job search. 5   4   3   2   1
2. I have a firm knowledge of my abilities and am prepared to present them to an employer in a very positive manner. 5   4   3   2   1
3. I realistically know the salary that is correct for the job for which I am applying. 5   4   3   2   1
4. I am prepared today to accept a job tomorrow if offered. 5   4   3   2   1
Total - ________

A score of 20 shows you are ready for the Job Search!


Recap of Job Search Readiness Questionnaire

Category Your Total Score Good Score Needs Improvement Score
Skills and Abilities Analysis 24 or better 18 or less
Job Search Strategy 22 or higher 18 or less
Completing a Perfect Job Application 25 or better 21 or less
Effective “Job Winning” Resumes & Cover Letters 25 or better 21 or less
Interviewing Techniques 35 or better 30 or less
Job Search Readiness 20 or better 18 or less
151 or better 126 or less

If you score low in any of the areas, it is up to you to improve the areas. A job search is a job. Your job is finding a job. Over the next few months our newsletters will focus on helping improve your job search skills. And, you can get a head start by checking out past issues of the 1StopResume.com Newsletters (see left hand column).


Watch for Some Exciting Changes Coming This Summer!

Be sure to stay tuned as we will be implementing a major revision to our track-proven resume writing tutorial, along with a number of other enhancements to our website. To serve you even better, we are developing additional services to help you land the job of your choice.

Remain Optimistic During Your Search

We at 1StopResume have found that when you have fun with your job search by taking a positive approach to this endeavor, you will be all the more successful in attracting that great position you seek.

Join the thousands of people who have built their resumes here. Create your 1StopResume — and in doing so, create the life you look forward each day to waking up and facing.

Send us your 1StopResume feedback and resume testimonials. We want to hear from you!

We wish you great success in your job search!


Our Sincere "Thank You!"

1StopResume.com utilizes several sources to bring you revolutionary and fundamental job search wisdom. While we would like to acknowledge individually those websites, books and articles, authors, and masters, this list would be extensive. We thank these sources for their contributions.


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