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Another Networking Opportunity

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Reference Checks
Detailed Assessments Are Now the Norm

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Reference Checks

Detailed Assessments Are Now the Norm

You’ve aced the interview. The company is sure they want to hire you. Before they make the final decision and an offer of hire, it is time to check your work history and talk to your references.

Questions asked in reference checks have become more probing and performance based. In the past, interviewers generally asked the candidate’s references salary, job duties, work ethic and rehire status. Not any more . . .

Let’s take a look at the new approach to finding out about your work history and you.

References Available Upon Request

Prior to participating in an interview, you will make a good impression if you bring your typed page of references to the interview along with your resume. If you list on your resume the last four companies for which you have worked, your references should come from all companies listed. It is also good to have a peer reference and an employee of whom you have supervised on the list.

We recommend the following when setting up your reference page:

  1. Label the page, "References for (name, address, contact information)." Ensure that prominently on the page are listed your name, address, phone and email address.
  2. Utilize the matching font and the same paper on your resume and cover letter.
  3. Start with your present or last position and list the references by company in the same order that appears on your resume.
  4. Be sure to include all the contact information — name, title, company, address and phone numbers. If the individual has left the company for which you both worked, use “Formally” next to their past title and company and “Presently” next to their present title and company.

References for:
Jennifer Horn
1253 Beach Street, Apt. A
Santa Barbara, CA 93105
(805) 555-1215


Business References

Tom Paul
Senior Vice President, Marketing
American Medical Association

2104 Water Blvd, Ste 100
Santa Barbara, CA 93105
(805) 555-1212

Kari Solomon
Formerly: Operations Vice President, Five Branches Publishing
Current: Operations Vice President, Fuji Publishing Company

29301 SW Canyon Lane
Vacaville, CA 95687
(707) 555-1212 Office
(707) 555-1213 Mobile


Peer Reference

Carol Robinson
Director, Advertising
American Medical Association

2104 Water Blvd, Ste 100
Santa Barbara, CA 93105
(805) 555-1214


Team Member Reference

Jon Upstart
Marketing Coordinator
Five Branches Publishing

29301 SW Canyon Lane
Vacaville, CA 95687
(707) 555-1216

Expect a New Type of Question

Over the last two years there is a trend for experienced interviewers and those who conduct reference checks to increase the intensity of the questions asked. It is up to you to ensure that your references are informed and to expect the interviewer’s call. Let them know the company will be calling, and if possible the position title, and name of the caller.

It may be a good idea to also share with them some examples of what kind of questions may be asked. Here are a number of questions that are being asked in this new job search market.

In Summary . . .

If a company is deciding between two equally qualified candidates, the one with the stronger and more enthusiastic references will typically get the job! Choose the individuals that are on your reference list carefully and make sure they want to be a part of your job search process.


We wish you great success in your job search!

1StopResume.com utilizes several sources to bring you revolutionary and fundamental job search wisdom. While we would like to acknowledge individually those websites, books and articles, authors, and masters, this list would be extensive. We thank these sources for their contributions.