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Some unwritten protocols tend to govern the overall job search process. In the current, rapidly changing job market, having a realistic perspective on what to expect will keep you focused and "real."
Here are some guidelines to help keep the big picture of your effective job hunt in focus while you are looking for new work.
Bear in mind that you are selling yourself from start to end. It's obvious that "dressing up rather than dressing down" makes sense when making decisions for what you wear to the interview. Similarly, "put your very best foot forward" makes sense in terms of your overall approach, including all aspects. We have listed a few:
Learn as much as you can about the company.
And don't stop there! Prepare for the interview by shoring up your awareness of the marketplace around the business:
- What are the demographics of the target market?
- Are there leaders in this field, and if so who are they?
- What about the competition?
Make sure you are prepared to convey that you have researched the company and know company history, future plans, how long in business, names of executives or department heads, etc.
Research 1StopResume.com's Newsletters
There are all kinds of pointers on the nuances of job searches in the many topics covered in 1StopResume.com's Newsletter Archive (see the sidebar on the left). Our library is filled with tips from years of experience recruiting and hiring.
Establish rapport with the interviewer.
How to do this? We offer some ideas to add to your repertoire.
Listen very carefully.
Do not assume you comprehend everything the interviewer is saying. If you pay close attention, then you can make a point to ask questions if there is anything you wish to know more about.
You can also ask the interviewer to restate the question; this will give you more time to prepare your answer.
You may hear more about what they are seeking in a candidate in the way the interviewer words the questions.
Be aware of your vocabulary.
In the workplace, it is important that your choices of words are clear and appropriate. Communication skills are an important aspect of your job interview and count toward the impression you make on the interviewer.
As for using slang, consider your interviewer's example. By listening, you can develop a good sense of relative formality to maintain.
Don't talk more than necessary.
If you go on about yourself, you may not be answering the real questions to demonstrate you are qualified for the job.
When presenting yourself, keep in mind not only the style of the interviewer; but how you represent who you are really. Be your authentic self. It is important — and so is being charming and forthcoming.
Personalities vary widely, so in your job search it's a matter of finding an appropriate match for your qualities. When you find the right fit, you are more likely to hit it off with the interviewer and things will just click.
If you see a job posting that stays up even though you have applied and not heard back, especially if you feel you would be the right fit, it is OK to re-send your resume and cover letter. Possibly the materials you submitted were misplaced. Always doublecheck, that you are using the right address. Avoid calls and pestering.
It's fine to call and follow up to learn whether the posting has been filled, just be courteous and sensible going about it. If there are busy times of the workday or week, try to check in when it is unlikely to be chaotic. Or if you have shared prior email correspondence, this may be the best way to inquire.
Realize, unless you are chosen for the position, you are not likely to receive any notification once it is filled. Although this does not seem like a positive way to handle the job of recruitment, it is a cold hard fact. Best that you know this now.
Just because you are not chosen for a job, don't rule it out forever. You could be second choice, the first pick may not work out. It does happen. You may be offered the job later, or down the line decide to apply for it again. Writing Thank-You's is sound practice.
Warning: We have heard of candidates who have chosen to call interviewers or companies after an interview to complain about the process or even "try to teach them a thing or two about handling people." While you may feel better after you have let off steam, we assure you that the interviewer will never forget your comments nor you. You have not done them a favor; you have done yourself a disfavor because it is not appropriate for a candidate to tell an interviewer how to do his or her job. Interviewers who have been challenged by candidates have often told us that the comments made by the candidates sealed the fact that they never want to talk to nor hear from that candidate again. If you are disagreeable or consultative, they are frankly pleased they did not hire you.
In becoming job-hunting savvy, there is no substitute for experience, research and a great resume. We encourage you to keep in touch with us at 1StopResume.com. We want to be your 1Stop to a great job search.
1StopResume.com utilizes several sources to bring you revolutionary and fundamental job search wisdom. While we would like to acknowledge individually those websites, books and articles, authors, and masters, this list would be extensive. We thank these sources for their contributions.